English Test

1. The prettiest


3. The cleverest

4. The longest

5. The most difficult

6. The best

7. More expensive

8. The most interesting

9. The tiniest

10. More modern

11. Higher

12. The worst


14. Best

15. The most difficult

16. Cheaper

17. The curliest

18. Heavier

19. The kindest

20. The best

21. The slowest

22. The greatest

23. The happiest

24. The laziest

25. The bravest

26. The biggest

27. The noisiest

28. Longer

29. The fastest

30. The most unpleasant

31. More dangerous

32. More nervous

33. Younger

34. The coldest


36. The largest

37. The most interesting

38. The quickest

39. The nearest

40. The widest


1.cold, colder, the coldest.

2.good, better, the best.

3.interestin, more interesting, the most interesting.

4.beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful.

5.old, older, the oldest

6.little, less, the least.

7.important, more important, the most important.

8.far, further, the furthest.

9.able, more able, the most able.

10.disagreeable, more disagreeable, the most disagreeable.

11.red, more red, the most red.

12.true, truer, the truest

13.pretty, prettier, the prettiest.

14.comfartoble, more comfartoble, the most comfatoble.

15.conveniet, more conveniet, the most conveniet.

16.deep, deeper, the deepest.

17.courageous, more courageous, the most courageous.

18.easy, easier, the easiest.

19.excellent, more excellent, the most  excellent

20.bad, worse, wore


February 26-March 1

  1. I thik it’s true.
  2. After a long day at school I usually relax by sleeping.

Mrs Sanders: Sure, of course.

Pete and Jess: Can we order an ice cream for you too?

Mrs Sanders: No, I don’t eat stuff like this.

Jess: Really? You don’t eat ice cream at all?

Mrs Sanders: Absolutely!

Pete: And what about enjoying your life sometimes?

Mrs Sanders: I prefer to enjoy my life always not only sometimes. That is why I don’t eat ice cream and not usefull stuff like this.


  • Tell me about yourself.

I am purposeful. I will always finish the job if I like the job. That is why I chose this field.

  • Why are you interested in working for this company?

My friends are among your customers. They praise your company very much.

  • Tell me about your education.

I graduated from the Mkhitar Sebastasi Educational Complex School and the Programming Department of the American University.

  • Why have you chosen this particular field?

I like to create new things. I like writing code (creating a website).

  • Describe your best/worst boss.

I have no work experience. So I didn’t have a boss.

  • In a job, what interests you most/least?

I already said in the previous question. I like to create, create new things, print quickly. I do my job with great love.

  • What is your major weakness?

If I don’t like something (I don’t like the project), I do that work longer than other projects.

  • Give an example of how you solved a problem in the past.

I try to find a good side in every problem. This is how I manage to overcome problems.

  • What are your strengths?

I am purposeful, I am optimistic, I am capable, I quickly perceive new information, I am able to integrate quickly in a new environment.

  • How do others describe you?

You will ask that question to others.